Friday, October 22, 2010

Imperfect. Perfectly.

Note to self:  You will never be perfect.  You were not created to be perfect.  God created you with faults, weaknesses, and tendencies to sin.  He gave you free will and He wants you to make your own decisions.  Yes, He gave you many gifts and blessings.  No, you won't always recognize them or use them how he intended.  You are not perfect.  You will wander, you will sin, and you will disappoint yourself and others.  You are not perfect - don't expect perfection. 

Know this:  Jesus is and was perfect.  He is God.  Though He lived here on earth in human form, even then He was GOD.  We were never God.  God breathed us to life and gave us the Holy Spirit, but we are not God and we can never be as perfect as Jesus...and that is just fine.  That is how God wants it.  The point is not perfection, the point is Love.  We read the New Testament and point out areas where we are far from perfect and where we struggle.  We look at the example of Jesus and learn from Him, but we should not expect to be as good as He.  We are imperfect humans, and that is good and right and God-willed.  Don't expect yourself to be as good as Him. 

Don't read the gospel and mimic Jesus's actions because, at some point, you will fail.  Read and learn how Jesus Loved, read and know that you are Loved, and then read and fall in Love.  He is wonderful, our God is perfect and His Love is perfect.  Fall in Love and stay.  Don't harp on yourself for not being a perfect Christian - no one is. 

Know this: You will be the absolute best version of yourself when you are in a Love-relationship with our God.  His Love will transform you, body, mind, and soul.  The things you hate about yourself, your imperfections, He will teach you to Love.  He will use them for His ministry.  If you enter into this Love-relationship, He will.

Stop feeling bad about not being perfect.  Feel good about it.  Stand in awe of our perfect God and see yourself rightly.  Praise Him.  Talk to Him.  Write to Him.  Receive His Love.  You will never be perfect, but you will always be loved and cherished just as you are now...perfectly imperfect, you.

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